Commissioning a Violin

A very personal and collaborative process between the maker and the artist.

It all starts with finding out what you are looking for. No two violins made are ever the same as no two artists play in the same way. Pairing an artist with a new instrument is a very special and collaborative process.

It Starts With the Wood

It all starts by choosing the perfect selection of wood to build your instrument. From the very beginning I have been inspired to work locally, using the wood from our British Columbian forests. Our beautiful sacred resource needs to be protected and managed in a far better way. By sourcing wood from small scale specialized providers who specifically select trees. I am avoiding dealing with unsustainable practices. The quality of our tone woods is second to none and superior to most. Every piece of wood in the workshop has been hand selected by myself during my travels around BC and aged. All of the wood used in building my violins is aged for a minimum of 10 years and is usually around 15 years old by the time it begins to be used in the construction of a violin. Teaching the wood to singing is a magickal process for me.

“All our handmade instruments begin at 5000 dollars. We are excited to collaborate with you in the creation of your instrument. Sound adjustment is possible throughout the building process and also after an instrument has been finished and played in. A none refundable deposit of 500 dollars is committed to before the construction of the instrument begins. We understand that each instrument is unique as was every tree that gave its life to produce it. Instruments can very often surprise us with their eventual sound especially after being played in. With this in mind, no one is held to the commitment of purchasing the instrument if it is not able to meet the musician’s needs. Every artist that purchases a Bijok Violin has a year and a day to develop a relationship with their instrument and play it in. If you are not fully satisfied then you have the option of returning the instrument or seeking one out with us that is more suitable. This flexibility allows us to truly pair the musician with their ideal companion.